Discussion between Sarah Beaulne and Lisa Louie Ittukalak and Alasi Sivuarapik
Q: What differences do you see between the Inuit from Puvirnituq and those from Igloolik?
Lisa Louie: The
language! The first time the people from Igloolik spoke we didn’t
understand a single word. They told me to eat the food, but instead I
tried to give it to them because I didn’t understand! When they’re
telling a story, we would listen and when they would laugh, we would
laugh – even though didn't understand what they were saying.
Q: So it is the language difference causing problems?
Alasi: The
woman who plays my mother in the film is from Igloolik and when she
speaks to me I don’t understand her. So it’s hard sometimes. When we’re
alone we practice their dialect.
Q: What do you find hardest about acting?
Lisa Louie: When
there’s only two of us on camera and I don’t know what to say.
Sometimes we have to decide what we are going to say ourselves and it’s
hard! And the clothes that I’m wearing are too small for me. They tried
to make them bigger, but they are still too small.
Q: What about you Alasi?
Alasi: It’s hard to act in the middle of the night, and very early in the morning.
Q: Alasi, is this first time you have worn caribou clothing?
Alasi: Yes. It’s beautiful! I was saying now I’m 100% Inuk. It was very unusual to try them on for the first time.
Q: The Igloolik women seem to be very hard working, have you learned anything from them?
Lisa Louie: When
they’re working on the skins, I learned a lot. For example, it was the
first time that I saw the thread that they used. I also learned how to
chew caribou/seal skin. My jaw was so tired!