Young adventurer ready to turn a documentary on Baffin island to see the effects of climate change
Young New Malden adventurer Louise Biddle will make a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the Arctic tundra in August, to film a BBC documentary about life on chilly Baffin Island.
The 19-year-old earth sciences student plans to make a series of geological observations on the northern Canadian island, to better understand how climate change is affecting the communities of the native Inuit.
And the Oxford University scholar, who is in her first year at the prestigious seat of learning, hopes her work will help children better understand climate issues when the documentary is distributed on DVD to primary and secondary schools.
In addition to her scientific labours, Miss Biddle has been preparing for the physical challenge thanks to a month’s free membership from the local Topnotch Health Club in Blagdon Road, New Malden.