International Sami film centre


05 November 2009


International Sami Film Centre is a centre for Sami film productions located in Kautokeino, Norway. We support sami filmmakers and co-produce sami films for education and training and we also collect traditional sami knowledge through the film medium. We want to be a creative force in sami filmmaking combining the modern art of film with our ancient traditional knowledge and language.

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Sami Film/Indigenous film



Media on this Channel

  • 1h 12m 2s

    Indigenous Film Conference

    uploaded by: International Sami Film Centre

    channel: International Sami film centre

    Do not miss this oppertunity to participate LIVE on the Indigenous Film Conference 27-29th of October at ISUMA TV - Storytelling and Indigenous cinema; addressing our past and facing our future with International Sami Filmcentre.

    The webcast will begin Thursday at 14:30 until 18:00 CEST, and continue Friday and Saturday from 10:00 to 18:00 CEST.

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    uploaded date: 29-10-2011

  • 22m 11s

    Indigenous Film Conference

    uploaded by: International Sami Film Centre

    channel: International Sami film centre

    Do not miss this oppertunity to participate LIVE on the Indigenous Film Conference 27-29th of October at ISUMA TV - Storytelling and Indigenous cinema; addressing our past and facing our future with International Sami Filmcentre.

    The webcast will begin Thursday at 14:30 until 18:00 CEST, and continue Friday and Saturday from 10:00 to 18:00 CEST.

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    uploaded date: 29-10-2011

  • 1h 47m 40s

    Indigenous Film Conference

    uploaded by: International Sami Film Centre

    channel: International Sami film centre

    Do not miss this oppertunity to participate LIVE on the Indigenous Film Conference 27-29th of October at ISUMA TV - Storytelling and Indigenous cinema; addressing our past and facing our future with International Sami Filmcentre.

    The webcast will begin Thursday at 14:30 until 18:00 CEST, and continue Friday and Saturday from 10:00 to 18:00 CEST.

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    uploaded date: 28-10-2011

  • 2h 49m 26s

    Indigenous Film Conference

    uploaded by: International Sami Film Centre

    channel: International Sami film centre

    Do not miss this oppertunity to participate LIVE on the Indigenous Film Conference 27-29th of October at ISUMA TV - Storytelling and Indigenous cinema; addressing our past and facing our future with International Sami Filmcentre.

    The webcast will begin Thursday at 14:30 until 18:00 CEST, and continue Friday and Saturday from 10:00 to 18:00 CEST.

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    uploaded date: 28-10-2011

  • 3h 46m 45s

    Indigenous Film Conference

    uploaded by: International Sami Film Centre

    channel: International Sami film centre

    Do not miss this oppertunity to participate LIVE on the Indigenous Film Conference 27-29th of October at ISUMA TV - Storytelling and Indigenous cinema; addressing our past and facing our future with International Sami Filmcentre.

    The webcast will begin Thursday at 14:30 until 18:00 CEST, and continue Friday and Saturday from 10:00 to 18:00 CEST.

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    uploaded date: 27-10-2011