CDI Completion PAge

  • Poem that came with Handling of Degree to moi


19 November 2019


 Well Isuma VIewers, thank you forALL the visits over the years, viewing of my work, Here is  my latest diploma  secured in October 2019, plus a poem by Robert Frost. Frost was a fave poet of late foster mother Annie BIlan, who encouraged me to continue in the arts and I am forever grateful to the grace of God and her  in supporting me to achieve this milestone


Thanks for stopping by all. Everyone else Thanks for being you and part of my work and training as an inter-disciplinary Artist wow, September 17th. 1980, I moved to Vancouver from Edmonton Alberta to realize my potential in life. Coming out of the 60s scoop history, not knowing what I know today, it was swim or sink in the systemic ocean of Canadian racism. Broken up avec my son's dear mother, my twin brother convinced me to come out to Vancouver. I never looked back Today. receiving my diploma hardcopy is something I did not think about two years ago. I give thanks to all my educators, mentors, trainers, and employers who train me in my work as a performer or media artist. This path of learning goes back to The Persistence of Vision Intensive in Hawaii 2009, the certificate du Galiano Film & TV Intensive 2007, IMAG Adobe & Super 8mm film intensive avec !MAG 2003, The MTI entrepreneur diploma, 1998, Native Life Skills Facilitator certificate 1996, Modern Dance Training avec Karen Jamieson Dance Company 1991 -1997 Film production Management job strategy Training program avec Producer Mary Ramsey, 1991, the 1990 CBC studio director /production assistant job training period during OKa and all the politics of Meech, Charlottetown accords, Tobacco issues of Eastern Native brothers , Elijah Harper and my band start avec Indians & Dogs, plus my radio training days with Gunargie O'Sullivan avec Coop Radio and all those radio shows I did lol. The eighties ended with my first degree avec SFU Fine and Performing Arts Major & Film Concentre 1989, Theatre training with the Spirit Song Native Indian theatre Company. 1985, 88, & 1991 the last year I taught an acting class avec Spirit Song. I can not forget Len Leonard George and his family when I was hired to train in their nine month video training program with the Chief Dan George Memorial Foundation Society. 1986. avec Blair Harvey, Phil Lucas and Len Korelenko. Even through out this training I was able to take an assistant directors course avec Directors Guild of Canada early eighties, !983, I started my tenure at SFU. Two years of training avec theatre and Acting training with Alex Bruhanski and June Whitaker. 1981 to 1883, Jim Scotland film acting classes for two years, and 12 week acting modeling program at Barbizon School of Modelling and acting. early mornings consisted of going to dance classes at Terpsichord Dance for a year and working as a hairdresser and restaurant host at Elephant & Castle Restaurants. 1981 -1983 Ronald Alexander can vouch for me on that are of life. lol. I can not forget Sheila Langston acting intensive through Jay Hamburger's theatre company, 1999, and all my set construction training in TV land series, 99-2001, And of course my first piano teacher at age 7, guitar teacher grade nine and the ones who believed in my talents as a young student artist. All the credit goes to my heavenly father who allowed me all these opportunities in life in realizing my potential in life. Second credit goes to late Annie Bilan and her late husband Bill Bilan. As well credit goes to Ronald Alexander, my son Dorian, his late mother Danielle, all the lovers in my life who supported my work and aspirations. I left Alberta September 17th, 1980 to realize my potential in life because life in Alberta then were bad choices, a failed relationship avec Danielle, and the systemic racism of Alberta and Canadian society. Feeling worthless , too often forlorn due to the systemic reality of native people , I knew God had other plans for me if I keep moving forward in life, Lots of setbacks, failure, my own shortcomings, pride and the ego getting in the way, but I brush off the dirt and get myself back up again. Love too you all.


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